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Indulge in Festive Delights Mindfully: 4 Tips for Healthy Eating

Indulge in Festive Delights Mindfully: 4 Tips for Healthy Eating

Is varicella-zoster contagious

When infected with varicella-zoster virus, blisters will be found on the skin.

Make Running a Habit: Combat Central Obesity and "Three Highs"

Make Running a Habit: Combat Central Obesity and "Three Highs"

Food Recipe: Resolving Ingestion for Post-Feast Rescue!

As the holiday season approaches, gatherings with family and friends often involve hearty feasting. However, if you experience abdominal discomfort or indigestion after a satisfying meal, it could be related to poor digestion.

Preparing for your consultation

Being diagnosed with a condition can be stressful and worrying. Understanding your diagnosis and the treatment available is important so you can be fully involved in making any decisions that affect your health.

Stay Hydrated for Good Health: Unveiling 3 Dehydration Traps

Indulge in Festive Delights Mindfully: 4 Tips for Healthy Eating


A cystoscopy is an examination of the inside of the bladder (the baglike organ that stores urine in the body) using a thin, flexible, tube-like telescope called a cystoscope.


A gastroscopy is an examination of the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract - the oesophagus (gullet), stomach and duodenum (the first part of the small intestine).


Some antibiotics work by killing bacteria. They usually do this by interrupting the chemical processes that the bacteria use to make their cell walls. Penicillin is an example of an antibiotic that works in this way.

Anaesthesia (General)

When you have a general anaesthetic, you will be asleep before your operation begins and will wake up afterwards with no memory of the procedure.

Caring for surgical wounds

After an operation, you’ll have a surgical wound from where your surgeon made a cut into your skin and tissues. It’s important that you take good care of your wound.


A colonoscopy is an examination of the lining of the colon (large bowel) using a flexible, tube-like telescope called a colonoscope. This instrument is carefully passed through your rectum (back passage) and into the colon.


A haemorrhoidectomy is an operation to remove haemorrhoids (piles) from the anus.


Insomnia is a feeling of not being able to get enough sleep.


A laparoscopy is an examination of the organs within the pelvis or abdomen using a flexible, tube-like telescope called a laparoscope.

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How to choose a VHIS plan?
As there are many VHIS plans available, we should not merely compare the premiums but pay more attention to the details to select a VHIS plan with a higher price–performance ratio... Read more
What's the difference between medical and critical illness insurance?
Many people are unsure about the differences between medical insurance and critical illness insurance. While they both provide protection for the insured, the two actually serve different purposes... Read more
What is a deductible?
A deductible is the portion of eligible medical expenses paid by the subscriber up to an agreed amount before the insurance company starts to pay for expenses over that amount in a claims settlement... Read more
What is hospital cash insurance?
Hospital cash gives you cash compensation when you are hospitalised, protecting you against the loss of income. A standalone hospital cash benefit plan is payable according to the amount of your daily sum insured... Read more
What is loading?
Loading is a term used in the insurance industry to refer to the extra charge added to the subscription at renewal due to previous claims made by the subscriber... Read more
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